AdamUK12: Whitethroat portrait
Ted Humphreys Nature: Golden (Black bellied) Plover feeding at Isla Cristina March 2024
ricklebaudour: Audubon's-Yellow-rumped Warbler
Diggerthedog99: Always a hidden owl in knowledge
Diggerthedog99: Those first rays of light
Insektenflug: Rolf Nagel-Fl-19-22839-Prunella modularis
lokiblacksheep: DBI_4883
ecwillet: grackle takes its pet crayfish out for dinner
Dicksy93: Tourterelle des bois (Streptopelia turtur)
robin denton: Wheatear
bubble_boy: Ash-throated Flycatcher
rumerbob: Ring-necked Pheasant.
tfells: L0A2071-Brown Thrasher
Mike_FL: Owlet,burrowing owl
Mike_FL: Burrowing owl ,male
Tj & Jo: House Finch
Lucas de Ciria: Corbatita dominó, Rusty-collared Seedeater (Sporophila collaris)
P. Stinson Photography: Drake Wood Ducks
philfender72: Harris’s Hawk…….
Insektenflug: Rolf Nagel-Fl-19-21795-Motacilla flava
ecwillet: yellowarberl in the rain
Tj & Jo: White-throated Sparrow
Bryan J. Smith: OCHRPICU fulvescens M 6953
Don Dunning: Western Kingbird
Bryan J. Smith: OCHRPICU fulvescens F 6940
ricklebaudour: Male Scott's Oriole
ian ok: Male Eider
ian ok: Robin
ian ok: Dunlin and Ringed Plover