kklodzen@att.net: DSC_9686_B&W
kklodzen@att.net: DSC_9681_B&W
ASA PERCHMAN: train station, gare du nord
ASA PERCHMAN: Fremont Bridge, Seattle
Regine Fahlbusch: Staircase in a Church
kklodzen@att.net: DSC_9538_B&W
ASA PERCHMAN: Tree, b&w, Parc Josaphat
RadarO´Reilly: The Jockey
Regine Fahlbusch: Solitude in the Marshlands
ujkraus29: Rita, Un Sacré Cœur! Montmartre
VasileiosK: DSC00225
mulabri: Büscheli...
Film&PhotoArchivist: Poer.09.202
petermüller21: Lisbon rush hour
petermüller21: Veronica
ASA PERCHMAN: nobody, personne
Livesurfcams: River Thames
Livesurfcams: Office work
Livesurfcams: Canary Wharf
Livesurfcams: Millwall Fire Station
Livesurfcams: Stothert and Pitt