Jim Zenock: 204A8369_DxO-2
Jim Zenock: 204A7863_DxO-11
billbigfish: Love the red eye!
Jim Zenock: 204A5882_DxO
Kevin E. Fox: Short-eared Owl
billbigfish: Take your shot human!
billbigfish: Handsome dude!
billbigfish: Two for the price of one!
sbuckinghamnj: Winter Wren
sbuckinghamnj: Fox Sparrow
swmartz: Seeing Double
Jim Zenock: 204A5932_DxO-1
sbuckinghamnj: Dark-eyed Junco - this Slate-colored Juno looked almost black. Probably just getting its breeding plumage on. Anyway, the park was littered with juncos and song sparrows all over. Clearly migrating birds.
swmartz: Canadian Goose Cleaning Up
Adam Turow: Song Sparrow
sbuckinghamnj: Fox Sparrow taking a bath in the stream
swmartz: Eastern Meadowlark
sbuckinghamnj: American Woodcock
billbigfish: This is my good side!
Adam Turow: Red-tailed Hawk Hunting in a Meadow
billbigfish: I see you looking at me!
sbuckinghamnj: Harlequin Duck pair
sbuckinghamnj: Canada Goose - such a common bird and often nuisance that I rarely photograph them, but I like something about this photo.
billbigfish: Which one is different?
Adam Turow: Tufted Titmouse
billbigfish: The conductor!
billbigfish: Weeee!
billbigfish: A very nice surprise!
billbigfish: The race is on!