jlp771: In line at the bank / En file a la banque
MR ARTO: on the way home
jonathan charles photo: Just May and her music (xp Aug-Sep.2019) f-335
Jon Mangaba: solitary
vincenzo_russo3: The Galaxy over the volcano
MR ARTO: conveyor belt II
dpowley65: Old Sea Defences on Happisburgh Beach
Jon Mangaba: legs eleven
MR ARTO: the man number 4
mannheim-nature-photography: Long exposed street night scene in NYC
mannheim-nature-photography: Light trails @ H&M West 34 Street, New York
MR ARTO: fight and ambition
Jon Mangaba: street scene old havana5
Jon Mangaba: street scene old havana 22
vincenzo_russo3: Eruption in B&W
jlp771: Silhouette light &shadow/ lumiere et ombre
vincenzo_russo3: San Martino Castle - Vittorio Veneto
ambabheg: 2024 (365 challenge No. 2) - Week 16 (leaves) - Day 5 - shadows of a young oak
jcivargas: IMG_0367
leo.roos: Big O
MR ARTO: shape and shadows
Silvia Pantieri: The Speed of Pain pt.1
Jon Mangaba: praia cristales crianças
jcivargas: IMG_3207
jcivargas: IMG_20240214_060840