SaffyH: Reef Egret at Karachi, Pakistan - January 2019
ronalddavey80: Meadow Pipit
JLS@Photos: Eurasian Hoopoe in flight, Huppe fasciée en vol
C.S. Wood: Resplendent Quetzal (Pharomachrus mocinno)
Hector16: The General
Hector16: Cute (for now)
klaus.huppertz: on the top
Bertrando©: Rufous-breasted Hermit
robin denton: Gannet
Hector16: Mara Triangle - Welcoming Committee
Hector16: African Paraidise Flycatcher
aivar.mikko: White-nosed Coati
Hector16: The fawn-coloured lark (Calendulauda africanoides)
Hector16: Reticulated Giraffe
arvind agrawal: Bald Eagle with freshly caught Bullhead fish - IMG_4025-1
jsnchezyage: Zarapito trinador (Numenius phaeopus)
Wild Pixel Safaris: Black Rock Queen at Sunrise!
Diggerthedog99: I missed the tips of the left wing - guess I got to go back to try again
leendert3: Thirsty desert lion
kayak_no1: Dancing Nudi
arvind agrawal: Landing Gear Down - IMG_4519-1
arvind agrawal: IMG_4552-1
nattybumppo*: coat of many colors
robin denton: Black-necked grebe pair
kayak_no1: This is not a public playground @_@
Hector16: Spotted Morning-Thrush
Hector16: Laughing Dove
Vince_Adam Photography: Wild Ferruginous Partridge (Caloperdix oculeus oculeus)
Hector16: Celebrating International Leopard Day - May 3rd