DL_Dietz: Sandhill Crane (2023-03-16 #1)
Kitty Kono: Eye Contact with Mrs. Harrier
johnatkins2008: Kestrel 22/10/24.
nigel.sprowell: Kingfisher - going
cliveswildshots: Little Owl.
Christoph Fischer: Tips and Techniques for Sharp Photographs
RolosPictures: FluctuatNec_2.
degan64: Stokksnes
cliveswildshots: Long - Tailed Tit,UK.
WhiteEye2: A snowy owl sitting on a fence post
Pixel-Manie: Nachtreiher - Black-crowned Night-Heron
Blende1.8: Siena Classic
barbmerrill2: Caspian Tern
Ignacio Ferre: Nature colors (Merops apiaster)
Kip Loades: Family
Photo-A-Peal: Eyes On the Prize
lukaszW75: 390A3619
Michael Loyd 1: Snowy Owl
Michael Loyd 1: Great Gray Owl
Michael Loyd 1: Snowy Owl
Michael Loyd 1: Great Gray Owl
IsaacCSanchez: Spangled Coquette
Terry Carew: Lilac breasted roller head-on
JLS@Photos: Black-crowned Night Heron (sunrise colors), Bihoreau Gris
ksblack99: Bald Eagle in a Pine Tree on a Foggy Evening
lukaszW75: 390A0739
P.Bonenfant: Northern hawk owl - Chouette épervière
P.Bonenfant: Northern hawk owl - Chouette épervière