Earl Reinink: A full flair
ER Post: Barred Owl (Strix varia)
wild prairie man: 1805_3873 Rust Flowers
Photofinish 2009: Enough bubbles Explored #498 Jan 21 2019
Marquinhos Aventureiro: Hyphilaria thasus (Stoll, 1780) - macho/male
Arturo Nahum: #Arizona as seen by #ArturoNahum
José M. Arboleda: Un avión cruzando la luna roja (Explore Ene-21-2019)
Frank Canon: Talima sp. (beckeri ?), caterpillar (Panama)
Frank Canon: Gecarcinus quadrates
Archie Richardson: Bull elk bugling plains_570
kenclouse1963: MTB_7097
basina33: Shortie ruffed up (CA3O7066)
on record...by George: Call it a day
Photofinish 2009: Like a sunny day in Winter Explored #353 Jan 21 2019
tomas meson: Eclipse de luna de hoy 21 enero 2019 _DSC3573 M c on es ma
pitpix2010: Blutmond 21.01.2019
Wolfgang Hackl: Traunstein and Bräuwiese jetty
stoneleighboy: Wk3 The Carry Out Express
Fan.D & Dav.C Photgraphy: In the shadow
Andrew's Wildlife: Tricolor Heron
Lhallwildlife: Green heron waits (EXPLORED)
zach_clarke: Eiffel Tower (explored)
Missi Gregorius: Trip to Canada
James_D_Images: I imagine this took a lot of elbow grease
Soloross: Small size
marian900: Museo Vostell
rosebudl1959: King Vulture - Sarcoramphus papa
rmrayner: Macro Filament 3/52