Andrew's Wildlife:
Northern Pintails
Andrew's Wildlife:
Common Goldeneye
Andrew's Wildlife:
Mountain Fritillary
Andrew's Wildlife:
Snow Bunting in Florida
Andrew's Wildlife:
Bay-breasted Warbler
Andrew's Wildlife:
Northern Cardinal
Andrew's Wildlife:
Carolina Wren
Andrew's Wildlife:
Northern Parula
Andrew's Wildlife:
Magnolia Warbler
Andrew's Wildlife:
Smooth-Billed Ani
Andrew's Wildlife:
Smooth-Billed Ani
Andrew's Wildlife:
Harrier and Hawk Dogfight Maneuver (I have talons too)
Andrew's Wildlife:
Eight-spotted Skimmer
Andrew's Wildlife:
Hedgerow Hairstreak
Andrew's Wildlife:
Edge of the Forest
Andrew's Wildlife:
Lorquin's Admiral
Andrew's Wildlife:
Western tailed-blue
Andrew's Wildlife:
White Reddish Egret
Andrew's Wildlife:
American Oystercatcher
Andrew's Wildlife:
Teenage Night Heron
Andrew's Wildlife:
Black-necked Stilt
Andrew's Wildlife:
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Andrew's Wildlife:
Great Blue Heron Portrait
Andrew's Wildlife:
Roseate Spoonbill
Andrew's Wildlife:
Florida Scrub Jay
Andrew's Wildlife:
Crown Conch
Andrew's Wildlife:
Spotted Sandpiper
Andrew's Wildlife:
Spoonbill Portrait
Andrew's Wildlife:
White-lined Spinx Moth
Andrew's Wildlife:
Black Scoter