DanD_NZ: Aurora Australis
2slo7: Kingfisher
Matt_Burt: DSCF2040
stan sutton: White-fronted Tern IMG_2360
Roman Popelar: Hamnoy, Norway
mrbanjo1138: WBP_Panorama_21
2slo7: Stormy weather
Bert CR: Car Coming
JEO126: Bufflehead pair
DanD_NZ: White-fronted Tern / Tara
SonofDemoy: Go Fig...r
paulsflicker: Stormy Perch Rock Lighthouse
jtr27: Fog on Cobbossee
Paul F Nicol: Crystal mountain.
Paul F Nicol: Crystal Pyramid
jtr27: Cobbossee Lake
kaxelsenfoto: «The final frontier»
Paul F Nicol: Just dancin'!!!
stan sutton: California Quail IMG_0608
DanD_NZ: Tui
stan sutton: New Zealand native Tui IMG_1404
Philip Schofield: DSC_7143-NEF Gibson Mill
Jos Buurmans: In Between Painted Hills - Oregon, USA
ionut.petrea: A shape of water - Iceland
AnBind: Pilzgruppe
Jos Buurmans: The Descent of Waters - Oregon, USA
Alleung555: Base of Mt. Atlas - DSF3098