SASPhotography67: Wood Duck Wednesday…
MalcedoP: Martin pêcheur d'Europe
Vide Cor Meum photography: Sunset at Kingfisher Pool
Rayladur: Tétras du Canada - Spruce Grouse
Mike Finkelstein: my blue heaven
Catimini79: Dew spider web
Pana53 the photographer: Stare (Sturnus vulgaris) - . . . in alle Richtungen schauend
Pana53 the photographer: Kegelrobbe (Halichoerus grypus) - Schöne Träume - lovely dreaming
@5imonapol: 22112
chachasarra: Autumn-Hinterstoder-Austria
R y c h m a n: Mount Musa Dagh. Turkey
Adal godinho: Miroir
thiesandreas: Grünblättriger Schwefelkopf
thiesandreas: Himmelblaue Prunkwinde
thiesandreas: Hochmoselbrücke
westrail: Two hundred
junjiaoyama: rose 0572
junjiaoyama: sunset 9660
junjiaoyama: sunset 7653
Armelle85: In the water mirror ! ( Amboise castle in France )
Armelle85: In the silence and solitude , we only hear the essential !
Armelle85: It's time to go home !😉
Armelle85: Legendary wave of Nazaré !
Adal godinho: Simplement Nazaré
atelierphotoparigne53: Gelée de coing