Antonio Iacobelli (Jacobson-2012): ..saper reggere l'alcol..
C.W. Lahickey: P&LE 1557 in 11-78
Ivan Safyan Abrams: Ex-RDG 4-8-4 2102 is heading down the Monongahela River to Brownsville. The remaining two tracks on this Pittsburgh and Lake Erie bridge in McKeesport, PA, follow the Youghiogheny River to Connellsville, PA. 1977
Black Heart Industries: Alameda antique faire 12/6/09
CraigPatrick24: Stobart H2284 PO15 UPJ Iona Jane A1 Washington Services 3/7/15
Retrotech: spark
Amy M. Youngs: Francois Junod with his automatic, random poetry writing automaton
Javier Sandoval: mirada perruna
Mike MacLeod: All Eyes Forward
ArthurTrens: DSC00863
Tjflex2: Minerals and more
vinicius.lima: Mantodea
mashpriborintorg: Russian ceramic printed circuit
mashpriborintorg: Yet another Mig electronics box
JuliaT.: giocare nel lago ..
Luiz Seo: Reflexos - meu olho
michaelk42: canon_composite_1024
Sinuhe Gorris: Chihuahua
Lélia Valduga: Filhote de Tamanduá Mirim - Fauna Brasileira. Puppy Tamanduá Mirim - Brazilian Fauna.
Christian Under The Table
eb3alfmiguel: Amigo y Mochuelo
Mr. Physics: Einstein 8683b
MilkaWay: The Goofus