wally94087: UTi260B UT-Z002 Thermal Imager Resolution Test Reticle
wally94087: Radio beyond dots and dashes
wally94087: Guys and their sprinkler valves...
wally94087: Gas Line Thread Rust Dipstick
wally94087: Seismic Gas Shutoff Valve
wally94087: Property Line Cleanout
wally94087: Repipe Adventures
wally94087: Free food
wally94087: Sunspots with SolarLite and UV/IR blocking filter
wally94087: Western fence lizard at 22 feet
wally94087: Silicon Valley Full Moon (with some cheating)
wally94087: Shooting the moon with Zykkor 500mm f8 and compact consumer grade camera
wally94087: Silicon Valley Eclipse thru clouds...
wally94087: GE WB44X5099R bake element fits JD14X1 oven
wally94087: Suddenly there was this brilliant white light and a sizzling noise...
wally94087: Solar photo using 7x50 Binocular with solar filter
wally94087: Solar Filter Photography
wally94087: This can't be right...
wally94087: Drilling project
wally94087: Windstorm hit Silicon Valley
wally94087: WiFi router got hit by a drumstick...
wally94087: Squirrel Elm Feast
wally94087: Cordless Waterpik WP-365W Internals
wally94087: Waterpik cordless waterflosser contacts
wally94087: Hot in more than one way
wally94087: The View from COVID-19 Prison, one year and counting...
wally94087: Winding very small binocular cores for MW/SW receive applications
wally94087: Wideband loop on ground for 160m to 20m shortwave listening
wally94087: Proxy measure COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 used air relative risk