oldTor: Still life with vegetables
Bernie Emmons: Hazard: Pincushion Cactus
DonCoombez: Incoming!
Lothar Heller: Walking Red
Leslie Abram: This just happened
Sally Rose Dolak: Tropical Butterfly
john.dunlop1: Wheels
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center: The Next Full Moon is a Supermoon, a Blue Moon, and Rakhi Purnima.
mcalma68: Amsterdam Architecture II
Lesley~B: Touch
CarenPolarBears: Gingko Leaf
Sally Rose Dolak: Cosmos Bokeh
michaelhertel: Streets of Paris # 49
jcb68730: Grand cormoran
emrold: [206] Another one of those days
john.dunlop1: From the other side.
Mimsy Portmanteau: Wooden watch
CarenPolarBears: Transportation
CarenPolarBears: Lit By Candlelight
Dick 750: am I safe to enter?
sdupimages: Broken Wings
sdupimages: Turn The Page
ginescarvajalm: IMG_2191-2
ginescarvajalm: IMG_7365-1
ginescarvajalm: IMG_7726-1
ginescarvajalm: IMG_7494-1
clambert1000: Escargot_1