SILENCE Vincent: 逆光下
SILENCE Vincent: 三輪車
SILENCE Vincent: 換衣服參加喜宴
jarnasen: Mist at dawn Black River in the White Mountains of Arizona.
nguyencanhtung: The adventure.
auntneecey: fresh radishes - 295/365 {explored}
Phil Selby: Autumn Swirls
Aaron Yeoman: Effervesce
SILENCE Vincent: 母女倆
SILENCE Vincent: Taipei city's riverside
SILENCE Vincent: Hokkaido scenery
SILENCE Vincent: Milk lover
SILENCE Vincent: 吃餅乾
SILENCE Vincent: Baseball team recruit!
nodie26: 花蓮 池南 螢火蟲
nodie26: 玉里 稻穗
nodie26: 有點危險
Pásztor András: Delphinium | Explored 15.06.01 | Thank you all!
wentloog: Lone Tree in Mist
Jamie Frith: Onwards and Upwards
kevinshlin: 2008 秋 ・ highway
kevinshlin: 2009 夏 ・ SUN is SHINING at sunset
kevinshlin: 2011 夏 ・ Carefree
kevinshlin: 2011 夏 ・ 七股海岸