SILENCE Vincent: with her yellow Strider
SILENCE Vincent: 母女倆
SILENCE Vincent: 溜滑梯
SILENCE Vincent: go for riding
SILENCE Vincent: #cloud in the #sky
SILENCE Vincent: 河津櫻
SILENCE Vincent: 穿浴衣興奮中
SILENCE Vincent: 穿浴衣~
SILENCE Vincent: 穿浴衣洗澡去
SILENCE Vincent: backlight
SILENCE Vincent: taking photo with cousin
SILENCE Vincent: Sea food restaurant
SILENCE Vincent: Cokes / 可樂 / コーラ
SILENCE Vincent: 天氣晴
SILENCE Vincent: Big strawberries
SILENCE Vincent: 阿~~~
SILENCE Vincent: 草莓吃到飽/食べ放題 いちご
SILENCE Vincent: 大草莓
SILENCE Vincent: light bulb
SILENCE Vincent: 看海的眼
SILENCE Vincent: 拿著隔壁阿嬤給的玩具
SILENCE Vincent: 某日天氣晴
SILENCE Vincent: 換衣服參加喜宴
SILENCE Vincent: 三輪車
SILENCE Vincent: 逆光下