The Library of Congress: Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lyman, Polish tobacco farmers near Windsor Locks, Connecticut (LOC)
The Library of Congress: [Cat on sidewalk] (LOC)
The Library of Congress: Identified! [Woman seated with a psychograph, a phrenology machine, on her head] (LOC)
The Library of Congress: Washington, D.C. International student assembly. Theodore R. Johnson, a delegate from Tuskegee Institute (LOC)
The Library of Congress: New York, New York. A woman and her dog in the Harlem section (LOC)
The Library of Congress: [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Daytona Beach, Florida. Bethune-Cookman College. Students in the library reading room] (LOC)
minions & myrmidons: "just two phonies"
Foxtongue: ohboys
State Library of Queensland, Australia: Charmian Bernays dressed in a rabbit costume
EYE-talian: Space Frontiers
Nationaal Archief: TV stoffen met plumeau / Dusting the television with a feather-brush
BiblioArchives / LibraryArchives: F comme dans fermier
Swedish National Heritage Board: G. V. Gustafsson, Margretelund, Uppland, Sweden
Selma Morgenstern: Savoy Ballroom, Harlem, 1953
The Library of Congress: [Legs and feet of five teenage girls wearing dog collar anklets on their socks] (LOC)
Nationaal Archief: Handen vol met ijsjes / Holding too many ice creams
Nationaal Archief: Zweefduik / Swallow dive
U.S. National Archives: One Girl Smokes Pot While Her Friend Watches During an Outing in Cedar Woods near Leakey, Texas.
State Library and Archives of Florida: Guitar class - Fort Lauderdale
UW Digital Collections: Three girls in midair each doing a different dive, probably Washington State
totallymystified: Detail from a 1958 Jacob’s Fig Rolls advertisement
agnesvh11: valentine
agnesvh11: farmview
Internet Archive Book Images: Image from page 391 of "Bell telephone magazine" (1922)
State Library of NSW: V Harding, ca. 1930 / photographer Sam Hood
NavyMedicine: 09-8150-11
State Library and Archives of Florida: Mabel and Archie aboard the shantyboat "Lazy Bones"