knitkid: The book
smitten kitchen: seconds from TP-ing the bathroom
pbobumc: In the Land of Ducks - Thin Man Day13 2/7/2008
hvhe1: Duck at sunset
*LINNYB*: mandarin duck in full color
wildmanfla: IMG_9352.CR2
Elio Pallard: Barbagianni
pablo_caceres_c: Chirihue verdoso (Sicalis olivascens)
westfortwarbler: The Butcher Bird
Pachibro Portfolio: Isola della Cona
Pragmatist 1: Great spotted woodpecker
Pragmatist 1: Stonechat
Megan Lorenz: I Only Have Eyes For You...
Nature Photos by Scott: Common Yellowthroat Warbler
tomanyales: Gray Jay
Prince Bart: California Dude!
tony y. h. tong: Red-tailed Hawk
claudio.marcio2: Gaturamo-verdadeiro-macho - Violaceous Euphonia Female - (Euphonia violacea)
Bertrando©: Príncipe (Vermilion Flycatcher)
radio4: Sunlit cygnet
speckled-egg: Rubber Duckie Cupcakes
TiddlyPeeps: Goomba Beanie
Arthaey: Inside Grace Cathedral
cosmicpluto: 242.365 - over the knees
kittehgalore: AutumnTeaCozy3
tinos09: vest
splityarn: pinks!