radio4: Dinner time!
radio4: Sumatran tiger
radio4: Glorious Sydney
radio4: Tigers not coming out to play
radio4: Lovin my tree
radio4: Audrey at angle
radio4: Café
radio4: Fraternity
radio4: Sydney Harbour Bridge from Observatory Hill
radio4: Lengthways
radio4: Female Lyrebird
radio4: Inversion
radio4: Looking to the future
radio4: Blind tasting
radio4: A look forward ...
radio4: Tapping on stones
radio4: Aaaaand a final look ....
radio4: Echo Point
radio4: Lord of the domain
radio4: Crimson Rosella
radio4: Fluffing Lyrebird
radio4: Echo Point via M9
radio4: Elven W.C.
radio4: Three Sisters at Dawn
radio4: Stripes on stripes
radio4: Old, New, Newer .....
radio4: Penfold Royal Mail Pillar Box
radio4: Under Cannon Street Bridge
radio4: The changing face of London
radio4: A Shard of Light