livornoalone: Merenda all'ombra
natureloving: Peacock dance
natureloving: Passion flower Edulis (Passiflora edulis)
natureloving: Skipper or Rice swift (Borbo cinnara)
Harald52: Westmole Warnemünde
Harald52: Kleine Fuchs (Aglais urticae, Syn.: Nymphalis urticae)
Rosa Gamboias/ on vacation: Red-legged Pademelon (Thylogale stigmatica)
Rosa Gamboias/ on vacation: Crowned Sandgrouse (Pterocles coronatus)
Arx Zyanos: singularity
Arx Zyanos: the interrogation
Arx Zyanos: adrenaline
Arx Zyanos: lockdown runner
Arx Zyanos: true colors
Arx Zyanos: cindarella
vedebe: Télétravail / Teleworking
vedebe: A la rencontre de son double.../ Meet with his twin...
vedebe: Comportement insolite... / Unusual behavior...
vedebe: Gros temps sur l'étang / Foul wind on the pond
Alexandra.Antonini: Milano Piazza Cordusio
DA NI LO: Ipnosi
Jolivillage: Crete Senesi
Jolivillage: Route languedocienne
Jolivillage: Camogli
yvonnepay615: Getting ready
yvonnepay615: Riderless
Nic lai: Hibiscus
Nic lai: Summer?
utlebu: Eichelhäher / Eurasian jay