magomarcelo: first time driving in the UK and on a kart!
cimba: 23.07.11
Ugo Cei: Pour Shot #3: Wine
luce_eee: bad dream
sonny_968: Calm Morning - Joyce Country - Connemara - Ireland
anna☆morosini: light addiction.
sonny_968: Valsassina Landscape
ubertob: nevedussel-2
ubertob: Aachen Dom
ubertob: nevedussel-20
sonny_968: Pomelasca's Sunrise - Lombardy - Italy
Luca M Gennari: Mexicano
sonny_968: Chapletown Bay - Co Kerry - Ireland
luce_eee: Alter ego #1
Michele Mondora: Archimede, dorme, con la Mamma
--Filippo--: Cagliari
--Filippo--: Cagliari
Michele Mondora: Archimede e Papà
FotoRita [Allstar maniac]: In my Space []
Ugo Cei: Grapes
bbbelo: vinci sempre
bbbelo: ancora, get up kids