covertsnapper1: rosette nebula
Dane Hankin Astrophotography: Bullialdus crater from the Mare Nubium area of the moon
covertsnapper1: 17_54_26_lapl5_ap143
covertsnapper1: moon mosaic from 14.11.21 made from 13 panels .
Dane Hankin Astrophotography: Jupiter with Io and the GRS 22/11/21
r16cck: Milky Way / Galactic Core
r16cck: Widefield image over Coniston Water - Unlabelled
r16cck: Widefield image over Coniston Water - Labelled
r16cck: Fireworks Galaxy (NGC 6946) in HaRGB
r16cck: NE Milky Way + DSOs - Labelled
Dane Hankin Astrophotography: Saturn with 8 of its moons 7/9/21
covertsnapper1: Montes Apenninus
Dane Hankin Astrophotography: Jupiter with all 4 Galilean moons
Dane Hankin Astrophotography: Jupiter re-process
covertsnapper1: moon mosaic a 11 panel stitch
covertsnapper1: moon rise
covertsnapper1: Pleiades
covertsnapper1: moon mosaic 17.12.21
AndrewSingleton: Triangulum Galaxy