Constant Favier: Beauty in the wild
Tom Mortenson: Lift Off
johnny4eyes1: Hybrid Mallard / Black Duck
imarmer: The lunch of a red-tailed hawk
crawforddav: Woodland kingfisher
RichWakefield: 025 Blue Tit
gcampbellphoto: Irish Jay (Garrulus glandarius hibernicus) / Scréachóg
KeremD: Robin
kallo39: 2nd Barred Owl
Xingjian: Buffy Fish Owl
Xingjian: Buffy Fish Owl
OmiPNW: Colombia River Gorge it at different level.
drmole26: Chilterns mist
gensolo: Frozen lake
ralfkai41: A place full of magic - Ein Ort voller Magie
bflbo: Verschneite Landschaft im Sonnenaufgang
jac malloy: White Morph/Reddish Egret
PeterJacksonToD: muchwenlock18
Constant Favier: Angry clouds threaten
GoodLifeErik: Steam Plant
GoodLifeErik: Puget Sound Rainbow
GoodLifeErik: The Smith Tower
j.motx: Atardecer en el Adour.France.-
Stuey2008: “The Stately Homes of England,How beautiful they stand…”
cliveswildshots: Blue Tit,UK.
nikonshooter1954: The Severn Valley Railway
roksoslav: Regensburger Hof
favmark1: Frosty walk and a low winters sun
javisalcedo1989: Pájaro Moscón Europeo - Eurasian Penduline Tit - Remiz pendulinus