〖】〖 peter vogel.troll: Kranich • Zugvögel-5639
G.Claesson: Have played a little tonight
ulfgotthardsson: Northern Hawk Owl (Surnia ulula, hökuggla)
ulfgotthardsson: Pine grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator, tallbit)
MarttiPeramaki: In the Backyard
MarttiPeramaki: Bombycilla garrulus
MarttiPeramaki: Pinicola enucleator
MarttiPeramaki: Surnia ulula
Lassetjus photo: What an amazing bird! Lilac-breasted Roller (Coracias caudatus) at the Umgodi overnight hide
Lassetjus photo: Warthog, it is so nice to take a bath at the water hole, Umgodi overnight hide in Zimanga
Lassetjus photo: Zebras drinking water at the Umgodi overnight hide in Zimanga
Lassetjus photo: Kingfisher, Scotland August 2019
-Christer Eriksson: Söderåsens National park
öys: 2019-07-12_10-07-36
S_Weidbo: Tallbit 2.jpg
Hans Olofsson: Sorgmantel (Nymphalis antiopa)
Wild Chroma: Lilla Karlsö, Gotland
Wild Chroma: Sunset in Visby, Gotland
Carlos Vieira.: Tico-tico-rei-cinza - Coryphospingus pileatus - Pileated Finch.
Carlos Vieira.: Curió - Sporophila angolensis - Chestnut-bellied Seed-Finch.
Wild Chroma: Grey Seals
Wild Chroma: Spiked Speedwell
nkatesphotography: Raccoon taking a dip_DSC8036 photoshop NIK AI SR edit C
nkatesphotography: Green Heron_DSC7818 photoshop NIK ai edit-C
nkatesphotography: White Throat Sparrow_DSC6280 photoshop NIK AI SR edit-C
nkatesphotography: Male Ruby Throated Hummingbird_DSC6147 photoshop NIK AI 2 edit 2-C
Hans Olofsson: Gotlands väg
Stefan Johansson.: Water Rail (Rallus aquaticus)