j.motx: Zampullín común -tachybaptus ruficollis.Txingudi-Irun.Spain.-
j.motx: Correlimos común -calidris alpina y zazapito real -numenius arquata.Txingudi.Irún.Spain.-
j.motx: Cormorán grande -phalacrocorax carbo.Pasaia.Spain.-
j.motx: Foto 48.2025.2.17.Trio volador.Pasaia.Spain.-
j.motx: Pasajes de San Juan hora azul.Spain.-
j.motx: Foto 44.2025.2.13.Universidad de Deusto.Bilbo-Bilbao.Spain.
j.motx: Archibebe común -calidris alpina.Txingudi-Irún.Spain.-
dtcanovas: #Artistry #Flickr21Challenge
Christoph Fischer: Highly Effective Tips for Powerful Wide Angle Images!
Christoph Fischer: The Importance of Shapes & Balance in Composition.
Christoph Fischer: The Unveiling
Christoph Fischer: The Telephoto: The Ideal Lens for Landscape Photography!
Christoph Fischer: Happy New Year!
Christoph Fischer: Tips and Techniques for Sharp Photographs
V A N D E E: Majestic
V A N D E E: Emerald
imageryaspects: Curiosity
gerardstmalo: 4 mats en escale à St-Malo
paullangton: Little cutie
jphlazou: Kokopelli-53
Einstein1976: Challenge Day 8: Friendship for 21 DAy Flickr Birthday photo Challenge-2
Sirish B C: The Grandfather and Grandchild
BlueVoter - thanks for 4M views: Benz Victoria 1893 - Beginnings of the Auto Industry
Dylan Toh: Onigatake
SKeysImages: Grebe 240417d
Andreas Mundt ( roquesgallery ): 54° Nord (explored)
ricketdi: Mourning Warbler / Paruline triste ( Diane )
Brendan A Ryan: Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyja)