Andrew:: This table and I, it was meant to be.
lonely radio: your morning dose of #repetition and #shadows
lonely radio: the emptiness of a public holiday morning
Laurent Orseau: la jungle
luustra: party boat stage 001 /
luustra: forged /
luustra: ripple effect /
joseph webb: Summer in Philly
jessamyn: where I'm working from
twintermute: IMG_20140831_002630
jcn: 20150201D_7289e
ian.crowther: "Oh, it fell down." #twinpeaksofinstagram
Hollingsworth: lexicon devil at Seattle Art Museum Gallery
peterbaker: February 09, 2015 at 10:30AM
maximolly: Hang in there. (See @simonking's photos for the preceding photo)
untitledprojects: Untitled Project: Seasonal Economies [Dollar Store]
untitledprojects: Untitled Project: Seasonal Economies [Dollar Store]
fish2000: Where The Fuck Are My Bastard Shit-Eating Keys And Also Plus Where’s My Almond Milk, Did Someone Come In Here And Take My Shit, Seriously And Also That Other Orange Hard Drive Which Has That One Old Modular Records Compilation On It, Which You And I Both
maximolly: 3 on the dot
fish2000: Meet The New Kirk, Same As The Old Kirk
roland lebrun: Ardennes.
fish2000: A Fossilized Ganglion From The Precambrian Analog Days Of The Plain Old Telephone System Exposed Here At Street-Level In A State Of Near-Perfect Anatomical Preservation
fake is the new real: unlighted Lower Manhattan
twintermute: george, george, pumpkin forge
twintermute: arcus brothers
twintermute: taste of india