Stewf: Paul Carlyle and Guy Oring, New Letters and Lettering, 2nd ed, 1943, New York
maraid: czechoslovakian matchbox label
davidfromdallas: 23rd&Broadway
Bart&Co.: Special Sale
pasukaru76: Still alive
Mostra Design: Mostra de Design 2011
Mostra Design: Mostra de Design 2011
Mostra Design: Mostra de Design 2011
Mostra Design: Mostra de Design 2011
jmemediato: Super Shake
luklima: Animals 2
luklima: Money
luklima: Counterfeit Medications
luklima: Entre
raquel schembri: nadadores - swimmers
raquel schembri: cachorros - two dogs
raquel schembri: Mein Kampf mit mir selbst
Albert-Jan Pool: Koffie, thee, suiker
Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, UofT: Guia Turístico de Barbalha
Bart&Co.: Distaffers (1972) No. 227
sebhayez ( New Alphabets A to Z
DiaTipo: DT2018_051_MG_6231_alta
DiaTipo: DT2018_003_MG_5273_alta
DiaTipo: DT2018_004_MG_5276_alta
Giò Fuga Type: Riscatype 016017
Klim Type Foundry: Granby-Elephant
:nike: Granby 4052
mikeyashworth: Stephenson Blake of Sheffield, "Granby" typeface page from catalogue, c1960