Simon in the Alpujarras: Pyrrhosoma nymphula male (Large Red Damselfly)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Pyrrhosoma nymphula male (Large Red Damselfly)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Pyrrhosoma nymphula (Large Red Damselfly)
Yvonne Nielsen: Galathea (Marbled White / Melanargia galathea)
Yvonne Nielsen: Iberisk skakbrætrandøje (Iberian Marbled White / Melanargia lachesis)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Hipparchia hermione (Rock Grayling)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Plebejus argus (Silver-studded Blue)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Polygonia c-album (Comma)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Bassaniodes bufo (Thomisidae - Crab Spiders)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Linyphia triangularis (Linyphiidae)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Oedemera marmorata (Oedemeridae - False Blister Beetles)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Mangora acalypha (Araneidae - Orb-Weaver Spiders)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Pinalitus cervinus (Miridae)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Argynnis pandora (Cardinal)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Idaea mediaria (Geometridae)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Idaea carvalhoi (Geometridae)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Uresiphita gilvata (Crambidae - Grass Moths)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Scenopinus sp. female (Scenopinidae)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Pilophorus sp. (Miridae)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Euphyllura olivina (Psyllidae)
Simon in the Alpujarras: Holcogaster fibulata (Pentatomidae - Shieldbugs)
Yvonne Nielsen: Engpletvinge (Meadow Fritillary / Melitaea parthenoides)
Yvonne Nielsen: Grøn busksommerfugl (Green Hairstreak / Callophrys rubi)
Yvonne Nielsen: Alpemurmeldyr (Alpine Marmot / Marmota marmota)
Yvonne Nielsen: Golden-yellow Wave (Golden-yellow Wave / Idaea aureolaria)
Yvonne Nielsen: Satellitugle (The Satellite / Eupsilia transversa)
Yvonne Nielsen: Blåbærugle (The Chestnut / Conistra vaccinii)
Yvonne Nielsen: Orange Citronsommerfugl (Cleopatra / Gonepteryx cleopatra)
Yvonne Nielsen: Sydlig Hvid Admiral (Southern White Admiral / Limenitis reducta)
Yvonne Nielsen: Nældens takvinge (Small Tortoiseshell / Aglais urticae)