Rick Tulka: MAD Magazine - Special Tarantino Time Warp Issue
niggyl :): The Reject - Eyrarfjall
State Library and Archives of Florida: Man changing a tire - Florida
purcell art: Rural Remnant
The Library of Congress: Caruso & Mrs. A. Gallatin (LOC)
k.ro001: SkBook21_06-07
toni belobrajdic: Benedicta 2
nicolas doucedame: Barman-fin-de-saison-w
nicolas doucedame: Stage-Peyreleau-w
nicolas doucedame: Inconnue-I-w
nicolas doucedame: Danseuse-II
nicolas doucedame: Portrait-essai-IV
nicolas doucedame: L-inconnue-du-crayon-II-w
toni belobrajdic: Interior _Cafe by tony belobrajdic
Nora MacPhail: "slight smile" - watercolour
purcell art: Autumn Aire
fauve_gal: pears linocut
aleshurik: Spring mood in England. ...from the workshop in London.
aleshurik: Grace...
aleshurik: You know all my secrets..
aleshurik: ..cloud in her hands..
toni belobrajdic: Portrait of Young Man
aleshurik: ..father's tractor..
aleshurik: winter is coming..