Di Daу: Романтика
~~Nelly~~: Met bezoeker
J. Shejbal: The lizard: "This surface is just too hot for my little feet!"
Pierafeux: Pierrafeux
J. Shejbal: Gloriosa superba 'Rothschildiana'
J. Shejbal: Anemone coronaria 'The Governor'
J. Shejbal: Sternbergia lutea
J. Shejbal: Epiphyllum oxypetalum
cannuccia: S.BENEDETTO DEL TRONTO - Marche
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!: IMG_9144 giallo si avvicina l'autunno
J. Shejbal: Thalictrum delavayi 'Hewitt's Double'
J. Shejbal: One of the first this-year's flowers of the Abyssinian Gladiolus
titidylan: Hoverfly - Helophilus pendulus
florianabulbose1: Lilium GOLDEN SPLENDOUR
Raffa2112: Fiore dell'albero dei tulipani (Explored)
J. Shejbal: Hippeastrum JEWEL
Raffa2112: Quasi Natale - Almost Christmas
J. Shejbal: Jatropha podagrica
J. Shejbal: Hippeastrum EVERGREEN
J. Shejbal: Dahlia imperialis
BUMBI61: P6011432b
careth@2012: Anemone
VGPhotoz Collectionz: Going Shopping
florianabulbose1: Gazania with small hoverfly
J. Shejbal: Gazania cv.
florianabulbose1: Helianthus tuberosus e Polyommatus icarus
J. Shejbal: Haemanthus coccineus (dettaglio del fiore)