SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
festa della candelora !!!!
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
Otto anni fa la neve al Valentino 10
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
Giornate di festa !!!!
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
Buon Natale
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
Let's go to Christmas with red !!!!!!!!
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
Colori autunnali
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
Il candore del ciclamino
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
- Momenti autunnali
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
IMG_3646 Campagne d'autunno in Calabria
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
Immagine 418 - Mare azzurro con barche
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
Immagine 270 - Autunno caprese
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
IMG_6781 - Ciambella con prugne
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
IMG_6764 - Sapori autunnali
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
IMG_6770 Autunno - delizie del mese
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
IMG_6747 -Hibiscus
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
Immagine 794 Sono il più bello !!!
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
Immagine 2819 Verso l'autunno
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
IMG_6740 - Una buona colazione
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
IMG_8846 Colori del Mediterraneo
SPARTANO 2010 - A winter that is not there !!!:
IMG_6675 - Appendino .... alla prossima immagine !!!