chrisfriel: trees 24 #126
bunchadogs & susan [off]: emerging japanese maple leaves
Brooke Golightly: what i have and what i ache for
Angeliska: Whoops. Started devouring these wild antelope ribs before I could capture their true beauty. The only way to really do that is with your mouth, though. Hot damn, so good. Plus, there is Black Sabbath & hot tea here. I'm in heaven.
Angeliska: Eight righteous remedies. I'm taking all this stuff (several times a day) to get me feeling human again. Monster allergies/sinus madness, a UTI, and a badly wrenched neck got me laid low low low... Work your magic, herbs et cetera!
fiona watson art: the chase
...david...: ...instrucciones para un vuelo imperfecto...
...david...: O Menino da Lua
bunchadogs & susan [off]: feeling dejected...
Brooke Golightly: i don't want the fear to confuse ya
kevin dooley: Zombie Town 2010
inspire*dream*create*: Abre Los Ojos
fishermansdaughter: in progress drawing for James' tattoo (picnic helped this one)
Eating ghosts: A funny little thing
lauren.rabbit: hair of the dog
Midnight - Digital: Lyserge Säure Diethylamid
bunchadogs & susan [off]: typing is hell
yell saccani: can't go anywhere anyway
yell saccani: no punish for a rotten mind
kevin dooley: Awareness
◦Judex◦: Portrait #27
Szymon Baranski: DSC_0321i
Dare Darlington: Dare Digital: Kept
brookeshaden: canvas
Sim.B: Feathered Seeds
Lafayette.: Mysterious
Michelle Brea: The Tyranny of Distance
amysh: shadowy