Penny Barclay:
"Please, no more pictures."
Penny Barclay:
American Wigeon (m)
Penny Barclay:
Green-winged Teal (m)
Penny Barclay:
Bernie Duhamel:
Holyoke - Massachusetts
Penny Barclay:
Penny Barclay:
Eastern Screech Owl
Bernie Duhamel:
Grey Morph Screech Owl - Sleeping 💤😴
Daniel Cadieux:
Eastern Screech-Owl
Jeannine St-Amour Photography:
In a hurry!
Bernie Duhamel:
Coyote - Hunting
Jeannine St-Amour Photography:
Ice of the week
Jeannine St-Amour Photography:
Ice of the week!