Industrial Decay: Control panels
stefaan.decuypere: Abandoned power plant _006
Rxl4 nd: Re-edit.
reliktå: _DSC1619
reliktå: _DSC1608
reliktå: _DSC1604
reliktå: _DSC1609
reliktå: _DSC1571
reliktå: _DSC1587
reliktå: _DSC1595
burton_michel: B.Balloons
david_drei: Montags
Rxl4 nd: Ghetto
Rxl4 nd: Kann ich versteh'n, wieso Gedanken mich nicht schlafen lassen.
Greko One: Former narrow-gauge railway workshops
rantropolis: an abandoned power plant turbine hall in China
Greko One: blade runner 2049
rantropolis: an abandoned plant in Austria of a former screw factory
Industrial Decay: Benzol locomotives refuling station
Industrial Decay: Remains of a narrow gauge steam locomotive
Mike Falkner: 703_5591
Michael's Industrial Collection: Another morning in the monster by the Severn.
Stephane W: powerplants1
tarboat: Ratcliffe-on-Soar Power Station
Rxl4 nd: 100.
reliktå: DSC09145