Joost van den Bosch: Skäggmes - hona (Bearded reedling - female)
HassePe: Cyanistes caeruleus
jose_abc: it's coming...
jose_abc: see you next year...
jose_abc: l'hiver s'étend...
Martin Bärtges: Frozen bubble
Kevin Povenz: Bald Eagle....
Gian Luigi Fadda: FLOWER...
Gian Luigi Fadda: Fallen leaves...
Gian Luigi Fadda: Succulent...
Gian Luigi Fadda: Succulent flowering...
Gian Luigi Fadda: Succulent...
danielwgibson12: The remnants of a logging pier in the shallows of Hunter’s Bay.
leo.roos: Chaffinch ♀
Matilda Christiansson: A Little Uneven
cls-70: _O5A1508_1800h
RM Clark: Fawn chilling with a leaf
Igor Philippov: Big pyrenean mountain dog in the virgin forest
Piotr Pogoda: Redwing (Turdus iliacus)
RJ Photos UK: Eurasian Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula)
tango-: La Loire, France, August 2021 018
Ed Yourdon: Mornings at the Earth Cafe, Oct 2015 - 11
iain.scarborough: _IAN0710-Edit-2-Edit
Ran Z: Dead sea landscape
Luís Henrique Boucault: Vatnajökull & Icecave