antoniobelge: Fim de tarde!!
Katie Clack: Wandering Eyes
aleshurik: night in the garden..
forastico: La chiesa di Napoleone
Painting with Delight: upon reflection
aleshurik: ...the sadden rain..
Jeff Sullivan ( Merced River Night Reflections
ricketdi: Durbec des sapins femelle / Pine grosbeak female
TS446Photo: Road To Nowhere
NicoleW0000: Red Fox Chillin
Earl Reinink: Snowing again...seriously?
OC Birds: Barn Owl
ABalancedPerspective: Evening Over the Bay
maf.mendoza: Everything in its right place...
maf.mendoza: Waiting for green flash... | Esperando el rayo verde...
forastico: Tramonto sul lago
forastico: Orietur in tenebris lux tua
forastico: Quartetto d'archi
forastico: Gratiarum Carthusia
forastico: Belvedere