J Gilbert: Florida Scrub-Jay
J Gilbert: Southern Elephant Seal
State Library of NSW: Arthur Sawyer & sea elephant pup
Wei: Vying for attention
J Gilbert: Australian Sea Lion
J Gilbert: Tasmanian Devil
Katrina Dreamer: Beautiful people in Reykjavík
m. geven: Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe)
J Gilbert: Red Fox
Wei: My Brompton
J Gilbert: Laysan Pair
Bergen Public Library: Sigrid Arnoldson portrait
Bergen Public Library: Couple on stairs
Bergen Public Library: Percy Grainger portrait
Katrina Dreamer: The wind is fierce today and the water couldn't be more blue
J Gilbert: Spinner Dolphins
Karena Loves Paper: Budgerigar
Wei: Annoyed
fineartvaughan: The Back of Michelle's Head, 10/28/10
J Gilbert: Savannah Sparrow
Wei: Westie blur
m. geven: Great Tit (Parus major)
m. geven: European Robin (Erithacus rubecula)
UglyKitty: How You Doin
northways: Excusez moi, avez vous un mouchoir?
moremirthquake: Ceci ce n'est pas une dead hummingbird
Wei: Legs
northways: Hand rolled in Honduras
rod lewis: longstreet
Samin N: State Capitol