UglyKitty: Pbbbbbtt! #Mondays #ClassicQuasi #AdoptALessAdoptable
UglyKitty: Sundays have always been for napping. #ClassicQuasi #AdoptALessAdoptable
UglyKitty: Whiskers for days. Especially Saturdays. #ClassicQuasi #AdoptALessAdoptable
UglyKitty: Outakes (aka why Quasi will never do one of those calendars where she has a cute pose for each month)
UglyKitty: The best pic I got of Quasi in the pumpkin bowl.
UglyKitty: Dark and mysterious.
UglyKitty: I'll be safe from the vacuum down here. Right?
UglyKitty: Did someone say #tbt ?
UglyKitty: Cat roll-up.
UglyKitty: This is what Caturdays are for.
UglyKitty: Kitty no-neck strikes again.
UglyKitty: #tbt This furry little bowling ball.
UglyKitty: Thank you for taking me to the vet yesterday. I know I hated it at the time, but I feel much better now.
UglyKitty: Aww, look who came out if hiding!
UglyKitty: Off to the vet when we're sick. #addinginsulttoinjury
UglyKitty: How's my fantasy team doing?
UglyKitty: It's work-from-cat Friday!
UglyKitty: Legs make the best pillows.
UglyKitty: I think she's forgiven me
UglyKitty: Flat cat is obviously happy to have us home.
UglyKitty: Roar lions roar! #WeAre
UglyKitty: Don't go to work, mommy. #ok
UglyKitty: The pillow-top mattress is not enough for a Queen. Royalty must sit upon a pillow for maximum fluffy comfort.
UglyKitty: That all came from me? #ew
UglyKitty: Well, this scene looks familiar. #herspot
UglyKitty: Please don't sneeze. Please don't sneeze. Please don't sneeze. Please don't sneeze.
UglyKitty: Queen of "her spot"
UglyKitty: Sun's out, tongue's out.
UglyKitty: The dirty dishes will have to wait.
UglyKitty: Three in the air #wavethemlikeyoujustdontcare