Sergio Bitran M: Indigo-capped Hummingbird. Diamante de frente azul, Amazilia frentiazul, Amazilia capiazul​. Colibrí Gorriazul, Saucerottia cyanifrons.
Sergio Bitran M: Buffy Helmetcrest. Chivito del Nevado del Ruiz. Barbudito canelo. Oxypogon stuebelii.
MedicineMan4040: Countering the outside world
MedicineMan4040: Prothonatary Warbler
MedicineMan4040: Downy speaking
pekabo90401: Birds are the antidote for Winter...Vermilion Flycatcher 4522 VA Cemetery Southern California
pekabo90401: Broad billed Hummingbird in Glendora Southern California
MedicineMan4040: Cliff Swallow
Sergio Bitran M: Bicolored Antpitta, Tororoí Bicolor, Grallaria rufocinerea
PriscillaBurcher: Rose-breasted Grosbeak -Juvenile male- in Colombia
MedicineMan4040: Today's little wonder
PriscillaBurcher: Endemic Red-bellied Grackle
Sergio Bitran M: Masked Gnatcatcher. Perlita Azul. Polioptila dumicola.
pekabo90401: Springtime ....Lazuli Bunting 4181 Solstice cyn Southern California_
Sergio Bitran M: Crested Francoli. Francolín capirotado. Ortygornis sephaena. Indigo Bunting Jerusalem Township Lucas Co OH IMG_9060 Jul 2023
dklaughman: Avocets feeding - Bombay Hook NWR...IM8A9437
PriscillaBurcher: Acorn Woodpecker
Sergio Bitran M: Black-fronted Piping-Guan. Pava yacutinga. Pipile jacutinga
New NewEnglander: Clark's Grebe with chick (reprocessed pic)
pekabo90401: Likes to hang around with Bushtits... Orange-crowned Warbler OCWA 0886 Nicholas Flats Southern California_
MedicineMan4040: Butterfly
Sergio Bitran M: European Goldfinch. Jilguero europeo. Carduelis carduelis.
Sergio Bitran M: Piapiac. Ptilostomus afer.
Sergio Bitran M: Passeriformes Malaconotidae Black-headed Gonolek. Laniarius erythrogaster.
PriscillaBurcher: Rainbow-bearded Thornbill
PriscillaBurcher: ♂️ Western Emerald in my garden
Cajunspice: American Kestrel
MedicineMan4040: Fleur de Blue
Cajunspice: American Kestrel