* RICHARD M (14 MILLION VIEWS): Bootle Grammar "newts" (newbies)
jonathan.scaife81: Ashness Bridge
Roy Lowry: Lasioglossum albipes (m)
PIXXELGAMES - Robert Krenker: Weather: rainy, 4°C - her smile: heartwarming! ;-)
PIXXELGAMES - Robert Krenker: You have to look beyond the mirror to see yourself - Kimto Oche Emmanuel
cas lad: daffodil
Ann Jacobs: Abstract
diana.rambaldi: Abstract
richard.knapp: Stag at Richmond Park by Richard Knapp
lowmillguesthouse: DSC_0594-3
cwhelan1963: _MG_0042.jpgFairies in the woods
laura.heanan: Guisborough Woods
Roi.C: The lone tree
Bev Bishop: Red Fox
Roy Lowry: Oystercatcher
alunwilliams155: Misty woodland
vgoncalves76: Haförninn / White-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla)
dmlawson9: Autumn colours
CLLPhotography: Low res-3697
odie evans: Derwent Water - Adams Tree