FotoFling Scotland: Hello Sailor
Cameron Booth: Up to Mount Inari
~ Bob ~: The Chase is On
SBA73: La signatura al cel / Sky signature
Anguskirk: The main hall of the 15th century Bayleaf Farmhouse at the Weald and Downland Museum
cowgirlrightup: If you want a stable relationship, get a horse!
SBA73: Coneixement infinit / No limit to knowledge
romanhrbek: Trust
Ian Redding: Small pearl-bordered fritillary (Boloria selene) underside
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: The Aurora Named STEVE
photo fiddler: Dynamic Forms
photo fiddler: Drops Out
Hugh Stanton: The crooked passageway
Sinclair’s: Winter in Reine
twurdemann: gros cap / frozen waterfall
_guido_: Polarlichtwirbel
David Crombie Photography: Icelandic Nights
P3ddl3: Tripods Last Hurrah
iwona_podlasinska: say goodbye...
There and back again: Bayleaf Farmhouse Bedroom 2
Sandra Herber: Lightning Strike
richardr: Manchester Cathedral