Nathery Reflets:
Le Moulin Bezaneth .... Explore 27 avril 2023
Nathery Reflets:
Chemin faisant....
Nathery Reflets:
Le Château de Kintzheim - Alsace
hendrickx karel:
DSCF8122 Merel - Turdus merula (met braambes)
hendrickx karel:
DSCF2218 Ree - Capreolus capreolus
hendrickx karel:
DSCF3133 Rietgors - Emberiza schoeniclus
hendrickx karel:
DSCF8928 Nijlganzen op het ijs.
hendrickx karel:
DSCF4397 Zonnebloem (Helianthus annuus)
Digital World of Paul:
Sunset After the Snow Storm
Digital World of Paul:
Nikon D500 can do Landscapes too
Digital World of Paul:
Captree Bike Path 🚲
Digital World of Paul:
Looking out
Digital World of Paul:
The Glow of an Autumn Sunset
Digital World of Paul:
The Northern lights In NY
Digital World of Paul:
The Joy Sea Sailing Past The Montauk Star
On a sunny summer morning, 3 adult Pelicans take to the air over the wetland after breakfast. They have predominantly pale plumage, the exceptions being the brown and Peruvian pelicans.
On a sunny spring mid morning, adult Australian Ibis flies low over the water as it approaches the wetland nest. Its underbody bears water reflections. The species has acquired a variety of unfriendly colloquial names.
On a sunny summer evening, pretty Kalanchoe blooms at our garden. Kalanchoe flowers are divided into 4 sections with 8 stamens
On a wet spring afternoon, beautiful Kordes Bordeaux Floribunda Rose bud unravels at our garden. Many more blooms to follow soon
On a sunny winter morning, adult Eurasian coot contemplates at wetland, near a dusky moorhen. It causes lovely circular water ripples.