Andreas Mundt ( roquesgallery ): Dockland............
Andreas Mundt ( roquesgallery ): Find Don Quijote....:-))
Andreas Mundt ( roquesgallery ): The Pride Of The Town
Andreas Mundt ( roquesgallery ): Haus der Kulturen der Welt
paulflynn: Skagsanden
paulflynn: Selfie :)
Pat Kelleher: Girona : Autumn 23
possessed2fisheye: 184/365 - sprouting
Pat Kelleher: Isle of Lewis & Harris
shay connolly: 0Y2A1218
delandocissie06: MRFA7840
cantilena91: Blue waves are rolling...
Jem Salmon: Avenue
Pat Kelleher: Lavender fields Provence
Tracey Rennie: Mountain Lady’s Slippers
GAPHIKER: Bald or White Faced Hornet Nest or Mummified Tootsie Pop
GAPHIKER: Infinity...
possessed2fisheye: 166/365 - the hunger
possessed2fisheye: 123/365 - Face Down Tuesday #592
Pat Kelleher: Vignettes of Cork : Beauty in the Ordinary
Pat Kelleher: Vignettes of Cork : Beauty in the Ordinary