Signs of Life Photo: Nelson Studios
peggybecker: kitchen curtain detail 5
peggybecker: kitchen curtain detail 1
peggybecker: kitchen window
peggybecker: kitchen curtain detail 2
Peggy Dembicer: Wise Potato Chips
el_rebelde: then and now
el_rebelde: band stand
bugsandfishes by lupin: Crafting 365, day 158 - not the right sort of blue
bugsandfishes by lupin: Crafting 365 / 56 - new brooches!
Mochimochi Land: Snails vs. Slugs: The Great Foot Race 2
djonesgirlz: Emberley Inspired Cross-Stitch
frankcheez: Hail, hail, the gang's all here
paper-and-string-on-flickr: Christmas Decorations
Mochimochi Land: Ninjabun
Andrew Huff: Casette Tape Skull
Andrew Huff: Casette Tape Skeleton
Toni Weber: tree applique, all done!
tomdotcom88: Perler Beads
missmelissa138: More magnets!
Altered Angel: hama bead collection
Altered Angel: Perler hama beads bat and baby bat
Artzyfartzy: Perler bead Turtles!
ax174: super-mario-perler-beads-1
kevinferno: Pac-Man Perler set
K. Tindall: Perler Mario
raspberryfairy: congratulations :)
raspberryfairy: purple corsage mosaic
CAPow!: Nintendo Sampler-finished