K. Tindall: My Little Sisters
K. Tindall: Happy Halloween!
K. Tindall: Little Sisters
K. Tindall: Rosemont, Montreal in autumn
K. Tindall: October
K. Tindall: Mega Man, Rush, and Metall
K. Tindall: Castle Crashers Green Knight
K. Tindall: The ranch
K. Tindall: Roman arch
K. Tindall: Roman graffiti
K. Tindall: Tipsy the Clown
K. Tindall: I'm Naked!
K. Tindall: Kraven the pumpkin
K. Tindall: OMFG Shockwave!
K. Tindall: Beware the claw of justice!
K. Tindall: Birthday time!
K. Tindall: Thank you
K. Tindall: Redpath Museum, 2010
K. Tindall: Redpath Museum
K. Tindall: Salvatore Dreadweather
K. Tindall: I think we've really been feeling awesome for four years.
K. Tindall: Subject Delta & Little Sister
K. Tindall: Big Daddy
K. Tindall: Big Sister
K. Tindall: Eli the vampire
K. Tindall: The Boy With the Red Umbrella
K. Tindall: Penguin
K. Tindall: Change-Bots