Derla*德拉: 好特別的冰啊!超好吃! #四號公園 #德和路 #雪腐 #芒果冰 #宇治金時咖啡紅豆 #珍珠奶茶
LITTLE FOUR: 快樂不快樂 無關風格不風格
AuraIndigo: Relax at home though he was actually on the phone with his little sister talking about some serious stuff. #phone #relax #relaxing #boyfriend #cute #hot #handsome #love #Hollister #Nokia #attractive #gaystagram #instagay #gay #Asian #mylove #manny #jeans
chunnanl: DSC_0011
JUSTin_KAO: 平行線
stanchiou: 963926_4293838444444_2098076274_o
AuraIndigo: A great afternoon in the Eastern Area in Taipei, Taiwan. What a shot which looks so unreal.
hbmike2000: The Four Seasons Of Desert Clouds
Tim de Groot: Boeing 747 Sunblock
AuraIndigo: When I was in #Glasgow. This is the #gym where I used to hit five days a week and #swim 2,000 meters every time. What a healthy time.
avant1997: tamsui,taiwan
avant1997: tamsui,taiwan
avant1997: tamsui,taiwan
avant1997: taipei,taiwan
熊阿熊: 殘存
熊阿熊: IMG_2279_cr
kcvensel: Warp Speed Scotty!
Mr. Greenjeans: may I have your attention, please...
Kevin Eddy: Sunset Leap
nick Stacey: Great Crested Grebe
jlp771: IMG_866245
lee adcock: Puffin.....{Explore #108 12.06.12}