S.D.G Photographie: "Sketch your (x) dreams"
Cite de la Musique: Tombés pour la France | Festival Days Off
aleshurik: Summer wind..
S.D.G Photographie: The sketches inside me II
louisraphael: Pink Electric Skies
louisraphael: Moon Over Icons
celta4: Relámpagos de medianoche - Midnight lightnings
louisraphael: Golden Gate Bridge this morning in San Francisco, California
celta4: Souriez
S.D.G Photographie: The sketches inside me
S.D.G Photographie: Angry Sketch
Fyrd8th: Scetchout Eiko
S.D.G Photographie: Sketch's fight
S.D.G Photographie: "Self sketch"
Ben Heine: Sketch Fight (Pencil Vs Camera - 79)
celta4: Tardes de primavera - Spring evenings
aleshurik: summer dream
aleshurik: sunday ride
Vinz Voyag: DSC02668
Thomas Birke: Paris #50 prescan
Thomas Birke: Paris #48 prescan