Pieter Lommerse: (Explored) Zoia and Reginald Harding Klimanek in Japan, ca. 1933
Tamara Tarasiewicz: Fast Friends
Vintage Cars & People: Opel Rekord P2
polkbritton: Our Gang: Steelworkers' sons. Aliquippa, Pennsylvania. January 1941.
polkbritton: On the Make: An unmarried man who works in the packinghouse in Deerfield, Florida. January 1937.
polkbritton: Through the Night: Alfred MacMillan, Pullman porter, resting in the men's washroom aboard the 'Capitol Limited' bound for Chicago, Illinois, March 1943.
polkbritton: Good Humor: The Good Humor man comes to a trailer camp on Saturday afternoon. These children are sons of torpedo plant workers in Alexandria, Virginia, March 1941.
Alan Mays: Easter Sun Day
Oxbow_Lebach: PICT0016LR
Oxbow_Lebach: PICT0018LR
ElectroSpark: 2020-03-19-0001
ElectroSpark: Cafe Du Monde — 1955
ElectroSpark: Club Slipper, New Orleans, LA — 1955
lhoracek: Grandpa Hodil, Grandma Hodil with Les, Flo English with Paul
lhoracek: Stroller
Namey McNamerson: Dr. Martin's House
sctatepdx: Such a cutie!
lhoracek: Poochie with Louis
lhoracek: Ruff at the Beach
lhoracek: Ruff at the Beach
lhoracek: Ruff at the Beach
lhoracek: Lynn Hackler, Margot Horacek, Maxine Hackler at Pensacola Beach
lhoracek: Margot Horacek, Pensacola Beach 1943
neukomment: George & Rosalie Jidov
H*B: When?
lhoracek: Yellow Perils