*M-C1*: Day 28 April 12th, 2020 Happy Easter.
lunahzon: Wake of the Harpy
j-verne: Lilli
Cajaflez: It is not easy to be a Maine Coon.
hatchski42gmail.com: Barred Owl - Strix varia
Joel Robison: Solstice
Shannonsong: Frozen
gent4: frozen
. c a n d i d a .: post prandium stabis, post coenam ambulabis
Danny VB: Winter storm and light before Christmas in Montreal, Quebec, Canada
WJMcIntosh: December Sunrise On The Merced River
JolsAriella: Merry Christmas ~~~~
broekest: Sunset
LawliePoppedPhotos: Monster-High
..Ania.: Queen Anne's Lace
..Ania.: Queen Anne's Lace
..Ania.: Sweet Pea bouquet
eweliyi: World goes to hell every couple of years to balance out the good times...
broekest: One of the best sunsets I have ever seen. I actually chased it.
..Ania.: spoon daisy
*M-C1*: Etsy Self Portrait Thursday June 10th, 2010 "Non, Je ne regrette rien"
eweliyi: there are moments when time stands still
harleyserendipity: lily stamens
*M-C1*: This year's gaggle.
*M-C1*: Me, right now.
lutman123: All in all you were all just bricks in the wall
eweliyi: 365of365colors
*M-C1*: Inspired by Van Gogh's self portrait