The Real Estreya: Tonight's #supercute #kitten photo for your viewing pleasure. #rescue #ragdoll
The Real Estreya: Summer! I'm trying to slow its passing. I'm back to work in four weeks. I love my job but I also love the beauty of #summer.
The Real Estreya: Have I ever mentioned how much I love my garden? πŸ˜„ It's so lovely to see plants that barely hung on all winter thrive in the long hours of daylight!
The Real Estreya: Happy Summer Solstice! Ten at night and I can still see the sun's glow. Amazing life in the far north! πŸ’– #shortestnight #nofilter #Minnesota #Chaska
The Real Estreya: #todayinmygarden I've got one #coreopsis (yellow) that survived the big die-off of wildflower sa few years ago. It was huddled in the corner of our sandbox. Transplant to the #prairie was successful! Also blooming now: #maltesecross, #baptesia, and #catni
The Real Estreya: Keith and I with our US Air Force #tattoos! His wont be so pink once it is healed but we had to get a photo to celebrate! #usaf #inkhearttattoo #Chaska
The Real Estreya: Mom's Summer Taxi Service break by the beautiful Lake Grace in #Chaska
The Real Estreya: Apparently I'm very "lucky" to be witnessing a huge group of blister beetles devouring my #Baptesia plant. I guess large groups of them are rare. #LyttaSayi
The Real Estreya: Today in my garden: Huge #irises! They smell SO amazing! #inmygarden
The Real Estreya: DIPG is a pediatric cancer recently highlighted by @humansofny. Children who develop this brainstem tumor have a ZERO percent survival prognosis. Zero. It killed me to read that. Throwing money at a problem doesn't always help, but I believe that it just
The Real Estreya: Just having fun #doodling while I played with kids today! #tinyart #ink #journaling #quote #sharpies
The Real Estreya: πŸ’– My Mother's Day gift: #OrphanBlack #clones! I adore the outfit choices!
The Real Estreya: It's finally hot outside so I can enjoy my #tattoo now that I don't have several layers of clothing on! I'm so pleased with how it turned out. #usaf
The Real Estreya: Enjoying this glorious spring day drawing with kiddos. Life's pretty amazing! #poem #journaling #sharpies
The Real Estreya: Have a lovely weekend everyone! In the meantime, I hope you'll enjoy the #purples of this gorgeus #Aster with its #monarch visitors.. . . #noitrek #colors #colours #palette #inspiration #swatch #knit #photography #prairie #purples
The Real Estreya: What a #crazy #minnesota #spring! I wore snowpants on Monday when the high was 39 with a cold wind. Three days later, I was hot in my tank top at 77 deg F! (3.9 to 25 C) #tinyart #weather
The Real Estreya: Palm trees have so many more colors than we visualize when we think "palm tree". Look at the beautiful #greys and #oranges from these palms in Madeira! . . . #noitrek #colors #colours #palette #inspiration #swatch #knit #photography #Madeira #palms @fu
The Real Estreya: With summer just around the corner, I can almost hear the kids playing outdoors! All photos on my feed are my own unless noted; this photo is by the amazing Grant Brummett (@gbrummett ) . . #noitrek #colors #colours #palette #inspiration #swatch #knit #
The Real Estreya: It's been cloudy here in Minnesota today. I bet it's beautiful in the #Bahamas! Enjoy this palette of blues if you're not there. . . . #noitrek #colors #colours #palette #inspiration #swatch #knit #photography #blues
The Real Estreya: Plants and flowers are one of the best places to find color inspiration! If Nature thinks it looks good, whose to argue? Go bold!! . . . #noitrek #colors #colours #palette #inspiration #swatch #knit #photography #BirdOfParadise #flower #tropical
The Real Estreya: I'd rather be swimming in the Bahamas right now! At least it's almost Friday! :D . . . #noitrek #colors #palette #inspiration #swatch #knit #photography #Bahamas #beach
The Real Estreya: There is inspiration to be found in even the most common things that we generally ignore. I'm really enjoying making color palettes of my photos! Follow along on my The Real Estreya Knits Instagram and Facebook feeds! . . . #noitrek #colors #palette #i
The Real Estreya: I had a lot of fun with this pair! See if you can spot the rainbow edging in my Monday Nature of Inspiration #noitrek photo! #knit #wrist warmers
The Real Estreya: It has been pretty gloomy in Minnesota the past few days. I decided to cheer myself up with this gorgeous #Bougainvillea from the #Bahamas. Can't you just feel the sun and smell those gorgeous blossoms? #noitrek #colors #palette #inspiration #swatch #Disn
The Real Estreya: So much of nature provides #inspiration! This is a #beach on the island of #Madeira. Does the orange surprise you? It’s from bits of #stone and mango on the beach! #noitrek #palette #swatch #colors
The Real Estreya: I'm starting a new project! I'll be sharing some of my inspirations for color choices on my @therealestreyaknits feed. The colors of each #palette are taken from #photographs I've taken. I'm calling them The Nature of Inspiration #noitrek I hope you'll fo
The Real Estreya: July 2010
The Real Estreya: June 2010
The Real Estreya: Memories 54:365