koen_jacobs: Crossings
BOC-Photos: Foggy Night in London
fotopsia.cat: Les paraules fugen del vent
Bernhard_Thum: In the Glow of the Night
fotopsia.cat: Dessota les fulles
koen_jacobs: Crossings
Mike J Maguire: Bed Maker
fotopsia.cat: Els núvols fugen
Katzenfutter: Bode Wilde
julgales: Sombras, shadows, Aísa valley, Spanish Pyrenees
fotopsia.cat: Aroma i música insondables
David Barrio López: DBO_2324NRLR Violeta
David Barrio López: DBO_2303NRLR Violeta
Andrea Moscato: Église réformée Saint-Paul - Strasbourg (France)
fotopsia.cat: Hora d'aixecar-se
fotopsia.cat: El sol degota a l'horitzó
Michael Smith PhotoArt: Savor The Journey
koen_jacobs: Crossings
fotopsia.cat: L'altre cara de la boira
julgales: Luz y sombras, light and shadows, Mesola peak,Spanish Pyrenees
fotopsia.cat: Quadern daurat
koen_jacobs: Crossings
koen_jacobs: Crossings
Flyingcolors Photo: Mirror Mirror / Spieglein Spieglein
swlphil: The pool of dreams in Autumn
fotopsia.cat: Enlluernadora nit
Didacus67 (mostly off, my friends...): The Gift [to Laura] [explored on 2024/11/09]
ryan_steele_mcginnis: As Above So Below
koen_jacobs: Crossings
julgales: El final del otoño, the end of autumn, Aísa valley, Spanish Pyrenees